Sunday 28 August 2011

MU Online


PROFESSION: The Dark Knight

A Dark Knight’s journey starts off in town of Lorencia. Once proud knights of an order fighting for the protection of its citizens, countless years of strife and struggle has left these knights forsaken and divided as masters of their own. Wandering the lands of MU, dark knights continue render their deadly art of combat to deliver across justice and pain on those deemed for punishment.

The Character
                Dark knight’s main attributes comes from within its vigor and strength, relying on melee weapons such as axes, swords, maces, pikes and spears or the use of shields. The dark knight can dish out huge amounts of damage on a single blow. High in hit points and armor, this allows the dark knight with increased survivability to undertake the game environment alone as compared to other classes. 

The Dark Knight Skills

Weapon Skill – Basic weapon specific skills are found throughout the game. Depending on which you use, this deals a calculated damage of “200%+Energy/10” to its enemies.

·         Defend Skill – Basic shield specific skill available at level 30. This increases the defense rate and defense of the character by 50%.

·         Twisting Slash – At level 20, after acquiring the “Orb of Twisting Slash” you gain one of the most useful area of effect (AOE) attacks done by the dark knight. An advantage when the character is being mobbed or targeting multiple enemies on a 2 range radius.

·         Impale – At level 28, after acquiring the “Orb of Impale”, this skill is only available when the dark knight is mounted on a pet and is using a spear type weapon on hand.

·         Raid Skill – This skill is only available when you are mounted on a “Dinorant”. This is a stronger version of the “Impale” skill and is available on any type of weapon that you may carry.

Suggested Builds

                In every level you gain, you are awarded status points in which to distribute. Following some are  the basics:
·         Strength -  Increased base and max damage
·         Agility - Increased attack speed, defense and defense rate
·         Vitality - Increased hit points (HP) and recovery
·         Energy - Increased skill damage, magic points (MP) and recovery

* Note: There are many advanced calculations and aspects that affect the character

“Strength” Dark Knight - With strength as its main focus, this allows the knight to wear the strongest available armor and weapons. It’s priority to deal the maximum amount of achievable damage to the opponent.

 “Agility” Dark Knight – Focused on agility, the agility knight usually wields a shield using a one handed sword. This allows increased defense and defense rate in evading attacks done by the opponent.

“Vitality” Dark Knight – Focused on vitality and energy,  these knights are made up increased “HP” or hit points, this knight enables himself to take on focus on damage dealt by the opponent. Used along with self casting abilities and potions, this makes the character ideal to be a “TANK” or “MEAT SHIELD”. 

After hard training and completing a series of quests, promotions are available for the dark knight to evolve into a more powerful character. This portrays a new look and the additional set of skills to be used in combat. New items such as armors and weapons are also available.

The Blade Knight 

                Available once the dark knight reaches level 150, you need to fulfill quests given out by the non player character (NPC) Priestess Serbina in the town of Devias. Completing the task you are then awarded the promotion worthy to be a blade knight.

Blade Knight Skills

Death Stab – At level 160, after acquiring the “Orb of Death Stab” you gain one of the most powerful concentration attacks. It hits a single line in front of the dark knight on a range of 2. This is very useful on enemies with huge amounts of HP to drain.

Earth Break or Rageful Blow – At level 170, after acquiring the “Orb of Rageful Blow” you gain another area of effect (AoE) attack. It has greater damage and range compared to the skill “Twisting Slash” but due to the slow cooling time of the skill, it still remains as a solid addition to the dark knights arsenal.

Greater Fortitude – At level 180, after acquiring the “Orb of Greater Fortitude” you gain the ability to maximize your hit points (HP) including the members of your party. The amount of health points is calculated on your vitality and energy points. This skill is very effective for “Vitality Knights”.

Explosion – At level 220, after acquiring the “Orb of Explosion” you gain one of the most useful skill in player versus player (PvP). This skill freeze and slows down your target, left helpless you can spam your attacks to claim victory.  
Additional Tips for a Blade Knight

                The”quest for power” is definitely a must for any blade knight to take.  With the help of Marlon (Another NPC) who is found in the town of Devias, follow the quest as he guides you on the things he need. Upon completion this unlocks a new ability using “Combos”. This new form of attack allows the character to use a combination of skills in succession resulting in great effectiveness in terms of damage.

How to use Combination Attacks (Combos)

                Combination attacks are initiated only if you are equipped with a weapon with its basic weapon skill. This also requires a lot of patience and timing in order to perform. Once you have gained the tempo and mastered it, you will find it very handy in any player versus environment (PvE) or PvP situations.

Start off with your weapon skill, followed by any dark knight skill and finish off with any of the dark knight skills which you have not yet used.

1.       Weapon skill + Twisting Slash + Death Stab
2.       Weapon skill + Death Stab + Rageful Blow

Experiment using some combinations of your own that would suit your taste for blood on your battles

Thursday 11 August 2011

Pocket Legends

As Star Legend's predecessor, the concept of MMORPG gaming all started here. The game is set on a fantasy medieval theme, where there are 3 classes to play with: Ursan (Warrior), Enchantress (Mage/Healer) and Avian (Archer).

The Ursan Warrior

Resembling like a bear, it uses melee attacks to its advantage paired with heavy armor it allows them to withstand great punishment and "Tank" for its comrades. It has great ability in dealing massive damage  combos in the same time "Stun" enemies dispatching them quickly.

Ursan Warrior Skills 

Icon Name Level Description
Vengeful Slash
Increase Attack damage. 4m Range, 18-36 Damage + Knock-Back Chance. Costs 5 mana. +10 damage per rank. 4.5 second cooldown.
Stomp 4 Area Effect. 4m Area, 38-46 Damage + Knock-Back + Stun. Cost 6 Mana. +10 damage and 2m area per rank (up to 8m area). 5 seconds cooldown.
Taunt 6 Get aggro or attention of enemies. 12m Area, Taunt + 12 sec. buff (+2 Dodge) 6 seconds cooldown. Each rank increases 1 dodge
Crippling Slash 8 Roots target. Area Effect. 3m Area, 18-26 Damage + root target 5 sec. 6 seconds cooldown. +10 damage per rank. Cost 5 mana.
Rage 10 Self buff. 20 sec. buff increases crit 5%, + 10 Damage. 28 seconds cooldown. Each rank increases 5% crit and +10 damage. Cost 20 mana.
Super Mega Slash 12 Area Effect. 4m Area, 18-46 Damage + 20%-90% chance to stun. Cost 8 mana. 4 seconds cooldown. +10 damage per rank.
Crushing Blow 14 Debuff skill. Area Effect. Applies a debuff to enemies in an area. 3m Area, Reduce Damage -10, Dodge -5%. Cost 4 mana, 4 seconds cooldown. -5x(rank multipler) damage and -5% dodge per rank.
Restore 16 Self Buff. Heal 8-10 + 5 Health Regen for 5 sec. Cost 15 mana. 16.25 seconds cooldown. +4-10 hp per rank
Iron Blood 18 Self Buff. 12 sec. buff increases armor +8 Cost 20 mana. 32.5 seconds cooldown. +4 armor per rank
Hell Scream 20 Debuff skills. 8M Area, Reduce Damage -5, Hit% -5. Cost 10 mana. 5 seconds cooldown. -5% hit and -5 damage per rank.
Evade 22 Self buff. 20 sec. buff +2 dodge. Cost 10 mana, 30 seconds cooldown.

Beckon 24 Utility and attack. 12m Range, Pulls Target to You + 50% Chance of Stun. Cost 10 mana. 7.5 seconds cooldown. Increase range, number of targets pulled and speed of pulls per rank.

The Enchantress

These Elves have high intelligence and destructive elemental spell casting ability. Equipped with  a wand or staff they are able to nuke the battlefield with devastating fire, ice,  or lightning spells. They can use nature's healing ability, to replenish health or resurrect fallen comrades in battle increasing the survivability of the whole party in general.

 Enchantress Skills

Icon Name Level Description
Frostbite 2 Freeze your target! Cost 20. +5 Damage, +1 sec. Freeze per rank.
Lightning 3 Blast surrounding enemies with lightning! Cost 30. +10 Damage per rank.
Heal 4 Restore health! Cost 30. +10 Heal per rank.
Resurrect 6 Bring your friends back immediately! Cost 70 at Rank 1. Reduce Cost -10 per rank.
Firestorm 8 Unleash a big fiery blast… of FIRE! Cost 30. +10 Multi-target damage per rank.
Ice Storm 10 Snare tragets in a bone-chilling ice storm! Cost 25. +Freeze time per rank.
Drain Life 12 Steal health from your target… for yourself! Cost 30. + Damage / + Health per Rank.
Weakness 14 Reduce enemy damage and chance to hit! Cost 50. -5 Target damage per rank.
Nightmare 16 Reduce enemy hit chance (and armor)! Cost 50. Target hit chance -5 per rank.
Magic Shield 18 Divert incoming damage to your mana pool! Cost 20. 12 sec. duration. + Armor per rank.
Blessing of Vitality 20 Increase party health regeneration. Cost 60. Reduce mana cost per rank.
Blessing of Might 22 Increase your party’s strength and damage! Cost 60. Reduced cost per rank

Star Legends: The Blackstar Chronicles Beta (3D MMO) Part II

After doing some serious game time with Star Legends, I managed to gather this info about its Beta phase. I found out that the level cap is set at level 25 at the moment, its pretty easy to get your level up to 20 but after that it will be tiresome to even reach level 21, it will even take you weeks if your not a hardcore gamer. The purpose of this is probably to give them time to add more features and to slowly incorporate them without, the risks of having many players quit after reaching the level cap. Using the games currency "Platinum" is the only fastest way to level up as you purchase elixirs that boost experience gain. The game has become somewhat boring for me due to constant repetitive actions in trying to level up, still the game is in its early stages of development and has big potential.

Also in my case, the ability to gain free "Platinum" does not seem to work for me, the page doesn't load up.

Here are some of the developers notes about FAQ and the latest game update:
  • Updated the Shipment Droid boss for the Cycorp Campaign, to have unique sounds during combat.
  • Fixed problems that prevented the Engineer’s “Revive” ability from actually reviving incapacitated team-mates.
  • Fixed door that was not opening in Delta-7 level 2.
  • Made premium armor sets stashable.
  • Following is now spelled correctly in the quest conversations where a reward is selected.
  • Play Pocket Legends button found in the Spacetime Nexus should now load up the Pocket Legends page in the Android Market correctly.
  • Sound effects for ‘Laugh’ and ‘Cry’ emotes have been added for male / female characters.
  • Also added first pass sound effect for the ‘Celebrate’ horn-blast (though visuals are not in just yet).
  • Head squips in Miner McGurk’s room no longer will grant xp.

About Star Legends: The Blackstar Chronicles

What is Star Legends: The Blackstar Chronicles?
Star Legends is a ground-breaking and unique Mobile Sci-Fi MMORPG, or ‘massively-multiplayer online role-playing game’ where you can join thousands of players from around the world. Play with your friends and make new friends online. Go aboard the "UCS BLACKSTAR" - a colonial super-carrier in the furthest reaches of space. Surrounded by mutant aliens, corrupted by criminal pirates, and controlled by opportunists... It's the sort of place where a hero - like YOU - can find a lot of action and earn a LOT of credits!

What is an MMORPG?
MMORPG stands for "massively multiplayer online role-playing game." In an MMORPG, thousands of players exist in the same game world at the same time. This creates an incredibly rich and active environment in which interesting things are constantly taking place.

Is there a monthly fee to play the game?
No, there is no subscription required to play Star Legends. There are small micro-transactions to access optional later game content and obtain optional accessories, items and enhancers for your character.

Why are there micro-transactions for optional Star Legends content?
Micro-transactions are used to support the costs associated with high-quality levels of service, support, and ongoing content creation that go into Star Legends

Are there a versions of Star Legends for Mac and PC?
Not at this time, though these clients are in the works.

Can I use my Star Legends account across multiple devices?
Yes, you can play Star Legends on the same account with all of your friends on iPod/iPad/iPhone and many Android devices. Register your account and use the same e-mail and password to log in to your account on whatever device you are playing on.

Technical FAQ

The Star Legends site won’t load on my browser, what should I do?
Please point a non-mobile web browser to

I’m experiencing lag when playing Star Legends, what can I do?
A high ping is indicative of an unstable internet connection. First, try just playing on a 3G connection. If you don't have a problem, and you do with Wifi, try another internet connection (friends house, coffee shop, etc.) to isolate the problem.

We compared devices, ran a few tests, and determined that any one of the following could interrupt your network connection to Star Legends thereby affecting game play:
• Email push enabled
• Push notifications enabled
• Other applications that require network access (eg. internet music streaming)
• Other applications running simultaneously
• Poor network connection
• Incorrectly configured router if playing over Wi-Fi
With 1-4 disabled, there were no lag spikes when playing on the devices that had them previously, 3G or Wi-Fi.

Why am I not get experience for killing monsters?
You will need to play in a campaign appropriate for your level to obtain experience.

Why can't I purchase Platinum?
iTunes Users - helpful information can be found here - iOS: Cannot Purchase Platinum
Android Users - Some mobile browsers do not work correctly when attempting to purchase Platinum. If this is the case for you we recommend trying from a PC.
• Navigate to
• Enter your Star Legends email address and password when starting, then your Google Checkout, PayPal or Amazon username/password when purchasing.

I need to change my Emails Address, what can I do?
You can change your email address in game by going to My Account | Modify Account on the first screen you see after launching the application (Log In screen).

I lost my password! Help!
You can recover your password with Forgot Password button on the bottom right of the Log In screen.

I'm getting some weird Sandbox Error, what’s going on?
The following thread covers this issue. Sandbox Error

Some guy just swindled me in a trade. Will you punish him and give me my stuff back?
We don't arbitrate trade disputes. The Confirm button is there to make sure you agree to what you are receiving in secure trade.

I'm not getting my verification email and I want to play! Can you help?
Some email providers block the verification email. Send an email from the email address you use to log in the game with to
See this link for more information: Account Verification

I'm having trouble installing or updating Star Legends on my Android device. What’s wrong?
First, try restarting your device. A clean restart can sometimes be all you need.

Second, make sure you have enough free space on your device to download and update the app.

If the above doesn't work or isn't an issue, then there may be a problem with your Market app or installation on your your SD Card. Try the following:

    * Uninstall Star Legends
    * Unmount your SD Card
    * Clear your Marketplace cache and data in your applications manager
    * Install Star Legends
    * Remount the SD Card
    * Then move Star Legends back to the SD Card (if you want)

Some devices fail to install large apps directly to SD Card.


Find the .android_secure directory on the sdcard and remove the ‘smdl2tmp1.asec’ file. You can either do this by mounting the sdcard on a computer, or with a file manager app

Star Legends crashes on my Android Device
First, restart your device. If that doesn't help, try clearing your Star Legends data in your Applications Manager. If that doesn’t help you should reinstall.
• Uninstall Star Legends
• Clearing your Marketplace cache and data in your Applications Manager
• Download and install the Star Legends app.

When I try to login I get a message telling me my password is wrong, but I checked and it’s right. What should I do?
We have found, in most cases, this is due to Android users not hitting enter/done after entering their information. Instead they use the close keyboard button by mistake.

How do I add another player to my friends?
When you add a friend they have to accept the request from the Requests tab of the Friend Menu. This request can take a few moments to show up in some cases.


Is Star Legends currently available?

What do I need to play Star Legends Beta?
You need an Android Device with Verizon Wireless service that can run Verizon V CAST Apps.

I have an Android Device with Verizon Wireless service. How do I get Star Legends Beta?
If you don't have it already, install V CAST Apps. From your mobile device, visit

I have an Android Device with Verizon Wireless service, but I can't get V CAST to run. What do I do?
There are a wide array of different hardware and software versions of Android mobile devices that can use Verizon Wireless service. Unfortunately, not all of them can run V CAST Apps. If you cannot configure V CAST Apps to obtain Star Legends: The Blackstar Chronicles, please contact Verizon Wireless support.

I have an Android Device, but I don't have Verizon Wireless. Is there some way I can join the Star Legends Beta?
We are making a limited number of beta access passes available to partner websites that you could win. We are keeping a list of links to where these are at in this forum post: Win a Star Legends Beta Key - Links to Contest/Giveaways Here!

I have an Apple iOS device. Can I join the Beta?
Unfortunately, Apple does not support doing limited beta tests via their App Store. As a result,

When will Star Legends be available on the Apple App Store and Android Marketplace?
Approximately July 20th when we anticipate the Limited Verizon Beta of Star Legends will end. Once Beta ends we will launch the game to all available channels.

What is a Beta Test?
A beta test is a stage of software development where the product is almost complete, but additional testing is desired to polish the product and remove any final bugs. You can read more about the stages of software development on Wikipedia - Software release life cycle.

Why is Spacetime doing a limited beta test? Why not let everyone play who wants too?
We want the opportunity to polish the gameplay and address any bugs that come up through additional player testing. If you can't play the beta, this will mean a better and ultimately more fun! game for you to play when the beta is over.

Why did you partner with Verizon Wireless for the beta of Star Legends?
Verizon Wireless is the largest mobile telecommunications network and wireless phone provider in the United States. The network has over 104 million subscribers as of Q1 2011. As such, they are an excellent partner for us to bring Star Legends: The Blackstar Chronicles to a wide audience. Read more about Verizon on Wikipedia.

When will the Beta End?
On or about July 20th. 

Taken on Star Legends forums

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Star Legends: The Blackstar Chronicles Beta (3D MMO)

After the great success of Pocket Legends on the Android MMO scene, Spacetime Studios has kept itself moving forward with the release of "Star Legends: The Black Star Chronicles" on its Beta phase. The game takes place in a fantasy Sci-Fi world while retaining the same aspect of game play with its counterpart. The new look gives freshness to the title, along with new set of characters and skills to play with. It also boasts  better game engine performance and optimization. I was expecting similar problems with its counterpart, when the game boots me back into the home screen when things get pretty nasty in game (getting mobbed) but, it didn't happen after long hours of play. I have spent more than 20 hours with the game now, no crashes or sudden disconnects which makes play time pretty solid if your a hardcore RPG gamer.The game controls work perfect, keeping you with all guns blazing. The downside is that the story line  is poor and somewhat optional for you to take the time to comprehend. Sometimes I do not take time to read quests since its pretty obvious you'll come about it when your playing the game. I'll keep things posted as I dig on this game deeper.

Plants VS Zombies

Finally after a long wait, Plants Vs Zombies for the android has been released. This fun filled tower defense game has transformed itself into one of favorite classics of all time since its original release. Honestly the game just came out too late on the Android platform. A year back when I got my 1st ever Android phone I immediately sought after this game and was sad to know that it was not available yet. Ipad had the 1st glimpse of the game and I didn't expect it would take this long to arrive here.  It would have been great at that time with its rising popularity. Nevertheless, for all of those who just happen to have heard of the game but never tried, I suggest you do in order not to miss out as time goes by to reminisce on this addictive game. Enjoy the excitement as your cute innocent plants defend your garden off against waves and waves of ugly, hilarious looking,  mad zombies. You can download the game on Amazons APP store. If you would like to learn the basics feel free to watch the tutorial video below.